Sunday, January 10, 2010

Military Spouse In Need Of Great Advice?

My husband is currently full time active duty for the Air Force, just this past week he walked into our base house, tossed a suitcase at me and said either it me or him. He told me that he was leaving me, he was unhappy with somethings in our relationship which i can understand.....its been a rocky road but i always thought we woulb be fine. Anyway to the point he moved out and told me i have to do the same but to my own place with our 2 boys ages 4 and 6. We gave our notice to move out base housing bc we signed a lease to a house we wanted to rent. So by June 2 I have to be out the thing is I cant get an apartment, my credit is jacked and i dint make that much. I was told by some friendly sources that if we separate and living off base i suppose the the BAH goes to me. I just want to know if that is true? He offered me $400.00 in child support a month only 1 of he boys is his, the other one since he was 5 months. So is what im hearing true would i get the BAH and no need for welfare..Military Spouse In Need Of Great Advice?
FACT...just because he leaves...DOES NOT Mean

he can stop Supporting you and the Kids...

Nothing changes money-wise he still has the RESPONSIBILITY...under the UCMJ...

The only time anything would change is if you were

';NO LONGER'; Legally him...

Even then he still has to support his Children until age

23 if still in school...

(Every Child he has listed as a Dependent...)


His wages can be garnished...even while he is on Active Duty... The Minimum is 17% of any and all monies,

BEFORE TAX Income...Military Spouse In Need Of Great Advice?
I know that with the Navy they have to give you half of their salary at least until the divorce is final. If he starts to give you problems about that, go to one of his commanders. It is truly illegal for him to give you any less than that. I know that the military offers free legal advice. See if you can find out anything about that too. Good luck sweetheart! I am so sorry.
you need to contact the legal office QUICK!!! IF he gets their first they cant help you!!!! they can only help one of you - and if he does get their u will have to go to another base!
You wouldn't get ALL of his BAH. You would get BAH for yourself and his child, not sure if you would also get BAH for the child who is not his biological son. He would get BAH for himself. So if you only get BAH for one of your children and for yourself, you would get 2/3 of his BAH. Most likely though, they will split it up in fourths because they would probably count his non-bio child because that is one of his dependants. So most likely you would be getting 3/4 of the BAH (for yourself, his child, and your other child). Sorry it sounds so confusing, but like I said, I am pretty sure they will also count his non-bio child because you are still married and the child is still one of his dependents. Now if you get divorced, you would not get any of his BAH, you would just get child support.
Legally he is required to provide a home for HIS dependents. practically, without a court order, you may have no recourse. the child support he is offering may be enough in the eyes of the military and they would NOT require him to give you BAH on top of that. IN FACT, as far as the militray is concerned, BAH is used to pay child support when court ordered.

the most you can hope to gain, from his Chain of command, is BAH. you cannot expect to get an addition $400 on top of that. HOWEVER, if he chooses to live in an aprtment and not the barracks, he must use BAH to provid ehi sown living quarters, so you again would need a court order to get any funds.

keep in mind that as soon as the divorce is final, you are no longer entitled to receive any funds or benefits without a court order..and most judges do not give alimony for very long if at all. you and the child that is not his will lose all medical and dental benefits. Only the child that is his will retain them until he ages out.
NO!!! your husband is the one in the military not you, and if you are not divorced yet, he still get bah but, he doesnt have to give it to you, he is suppoesed to help you out you have a child with him and he is his responsability not you, aslo the child is not just his resposability is yors too, im assuming that you are in perfect health and condition to work, so get a job, I dont uderstand why some military spouses just sit aroud and do nothing for their future, nothing in htis life is for sure, and u can lose it all in a heart bit, anyways whne you get divorced he still will get BAH but is for him if you guys have shared costudy he will need a place for when the child stays with him, and $400 in child support is good you should be happy with that, and instead of trying to figure out ways to get his money focus in you future and move on, get a job, im not trying to be rude but thats life.
You need professional help from someone who really knows what they are talking about. If you can't afford an attorney then find a legal aid that can counsel you. You have a right to expect him to support the children (both) and h will also have to keep the children covered with health insurance.

If you can't find a legal aid that will help then go to the American Red Cross. They will help you and the kids and help you find the legal help you need.

I hope this helps.
Why you gotta go on welfare? Thats crazy. As long as you two are married he has to give you his BAH. I'm still trippin on the welfare part...are you serious? He owes you BAH until you are divorced, then he owes you child support. If he claims the kids while he is in, he owes you BAH.

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